Put The Handle On The Ax Of Your Mouth

Image result for pictures of 2 Kings 6:1-7

2 Kings 6:1-7 (NKJV)

The Floating Ax Head

¹ And the sons of the prophets said to Elisha, “See now, the place where we dwell with you is too small for us. Please, let us go to the Jordan, and let every man take a beam from there, and let us make there a place where we may dwell.”

So he answered, “Go.”

Then one said, “Please consent to go with your servants.”

And he answered, “I will go.” So he went with them. And when they came to the Jordan, they cut down trees. But as one was cutting down a tree, the iron ax head fell into the water; and he cried out and said, “Alas, master! For it was borrowed.”

So the man of God said, “Where did it fall?” And he showed him the place. So he cut off a stick, and threw it in there; and he made the iron float. Therefore he said, “Pick it up for yourself.” So he reached out his hand and took it.

This is the Scripture that Dr. J. Vernon McGee’s Sunday sermon was about today. There were a few things that stood out to me in today’s message, but I want to narrow the focus.

Today I want to focus on the young man and one of the two things he is criticized for by some preachers today:

This first thing is that this young student is criticized for being careless because the head of his ax flew off the ax handle.

This young man wasn’t being careless at all. In fact he was being very careful for he knew the ax head was a little loose. There was a real danger because he knew that the ax head could fly off the handle because the ax was old. So instead of just walking up to a tree and start hewing it down he thought about where his fellow classmates would be. His thoughtfulness caused him to make sure his ax head was aimed toward the water and not his classmates’ heads or bodies.

The fact of the matter, God in the Mosaic Law for accidentally killing someone, especially with an ax, in Deuteronomy 19:1-7 had them provide cities of refuge to those to whom this happened. This was because the grieving relative might think they did it on purpose.

As you can see that this student was very conscientious in making sure that the ax head was pointed toward the water. He actually saved someone’s life that day.  So you see the young student was carefully making sure that no one got hurt with his ax head that really did fly off its handle.

Also, if the young man hadn’t been careful, for the Jordan River is very muddy and you can’t see the bottom of it, he would not have known where the ax head had entered the water when Elisha had asked.

We need to be careful also by keeping the ax heads of our own mouths on the handle of our brains. We need to guard our lips so that we don’t wound those around us by spewing out whatever comes to the surface.

The old adage “Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me.” is a lie. Word can kill! How many young people or older people, who are in a weak time in their lives, have been so hurt by the words whether spoken to them or written on social media have taken their own lives? And what are we who are stronger doing about it? How can you and I be of help to these hurting people that we know? We who are strong can listen and comfort and pray with them.

What is something you know you can do? I would like to know what kind things you do to help those who are hurting around you that you may not even know they are considering suicide? This week maybe we can each reach out to those who are sad in their countenance and give a smile and greet them by name. You may never know that by that small gesture you may have saved a life.




How To Bless Your Children

Have you ever heard of blessing your children? Do you ever bless your children? Do you know the importance of blessing your children everyday?

If you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, I know that you pray for your children often. I hope you pray for them everyday because they need that protection in the world we live in. Praying for my children has always been important to me. I have always at least lifted a little prayer up to the Lord for them everyday. Blessing them though is saying Scripture over them while they are present so they can hear it and God hears it also.

In 2004 is when I found a book about blessing your children on a daily basis I was intrigued. A friend had mentioned it but I really didn’t understand what she was talking about till I found this book. That book written by Dr. Mary Ruth Swope called Bless Your Children Every Day started me on the journey of blessing my children. At first I did it faithfully but it fell to occasionally to about once a week or so. Over time I have realized the importance of a blessing over my children at least once a week.

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This is what mine looks like only mine looks very used

A friend of our family and my son’s guitar teacher who is a Messianic Jew, told me that in the Jewish culture the father of the house would say a blessing over each of their offspring each week. This inspired me to start to bless my children again. And I happen to give him one of the blessing books but the name of it was changed. It is now called The Power of Blessing Your Children. So if you want you can pick one up a Christian Book Distributors for $3.99.

In the book there are 49 blessings plus some space for you to write a few of your own blessings for your children. The Power of Blessing Your Children  -     By: Mary Ruth Swope

Dr. Mary Ruth Swope tells how she got started by blessing her grandson over the phone. I won’t tell you that story you can read it for yourself. Here I have an picture of the Table of Contents:

The Power of Blessing Your ChildrenThe Power of Blessing Your ChildrenThe Power of Blessing Your Children

The process you go through is that you take one of the blessings and sit down with you child and read it over them. You can put your hands on your child. They can be ready for bed as you speak (read) the blessing over them. You can have them sit next to you as you speak the blessing over them. Or like my oldest son likes to do even now is by them kneeling down as you bless them with your hand on them (I never made my son do this. It was all his idea in honor to the Lord).

Because I have given credit to Dr Mary Ruth Swope and have given the title of her book (The Power of Blessing Your Children) and I have her verbal permission to show you one of the blessings from her book. I give that to you that below. Each of the blessings starts with a title of the blessing. And each blessing starts out the same way for each blessing. Then you come to the body of the blessing. The blessings ends with where the scriptures are located in the Bible.


In the Name of Jesus Christ:

You will know deliverance from evil and from those who rise up against you. The eternal God is your refuge and underneath you are the everlasting arms of your Heavenly Father. He will drive out your enemy before you. God Almighty is your shield and your glorious sword.

   Your enemies will cower before you, and you will trample down the objects of their idolatry. Blessed be God Most High who delivers your enemies into your hand.

Deuteronomy 33:27,29; Psalm 44:4-5

The Power of Blessing Your Children has also bee published in other languages. I know it is in Spanish, French, and German but I don’t know what the other languages are.

This is one excerpt for you to see just how to bless your children. When I bless one of my children alone I will add their name where it has the word you.

Would you let me know how you like the book? I would love to know how God uses this book in your life as you bless you children on a daily basis.






Gratitude! It Gives Hope!

When every thing seems to be going wrong, what do we tend to do? Our tendency is to react negatively, correct. We want the irritations to just go away! Then we start to get anxious and uptight and maybe even angry with the circumstance or the person–that is the problem. We start to lash out because of all that seems to be coming in on us. But the more we focus on the problem the bigger it gets. The more we try to to fight the situation the worse we feel inside. What’s a girl to do in this situation?  Related image

I notice when I keep my eyes on my problems they tend to grow and grow. Only when I take my eyes off of my circumstance(s) and look to Jesus in heaven do my problems start to shrink. Then I remember that I have a choice to make. I can continue as I have been and become weaker and weaker, or I can keep my eyes on Jesus and begin again to think positive and grateful thoughts. God wants me to think on the good and the blessing I have and be grateful always. Related image

With this in mind I want to develop an attitude of gratitude no matter what is going on in my life because I have a lot to be grateful for. I have a loving husband and family. My kids like to be with their dad and me.

We each have a choice each and every day and sometimes each moment to have an attitude of gratitude or be a sour puss. I for one want to practice an attitude of gratitude. A grateful attitude makes each of us more attractive. Attractive to others and to good blessings that are around. Related image

Let’s all develop an attitude of gratitude. It will not only benefit you but also those around you. So let’s each go out with an attitude of gratitude and bless others. Then in turn we too will be blessed.

What are you grateful for today? I would love to hear how each of you are grateful.

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Bible Quotes For Personal Grounding

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I like to repeat this passage when I am feeling down. Or when I feel in despair because of the way thing are going. This passage reminds me where my focus needs to be, on my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

All the benefits to my soul come from what Jesus did when He went to the Cross for us. By Jesus’ sacrifice I am forgiven thus He helps me forgive. He heals me from my diseases especially the disease of sin. Jesus redeems my life from the ultimate destruction of hell. I won’t have to go to hell because Jesus covers me with His righteousness.

Jesus showers me with His loving kindness and tender mercies even when I don’t act right which is a lot. I fail Jesus every day yet He doesn’t give up on me. By having Jesus in my life I have all the good things that He provides which lifts me above my circumstances and renews my strength to keep going.

Each person on planet earth is loved by God the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. We can choose Him or not it is our choice. I personally choose to have Jesus in my heart and life. He is the One who gives life.

What verse or passage in the Bible helps you in your distress? What verse or verses do recall when things are going well? I like to know what others have as their life verses from the Bible because it helps me to pray for them.